Mahnende Worte für alle Liebeskasper und die es noch werden wollen 😉

Völlig unkommentiert ein Post für alle Liebeskasper und diejenigen die noch vom Liebeskaspersyndrom (LKS) befallen werden! Du glaubst, das ist ein Witz? Ok, steige vom Pattaya Newbie auf zum Pattaya Liebeskasper und teste selbst 🙂


Dear Farang.
I write this letter to you. Have to tell you now have big problem at my home Nakon Nowhere.
Buffalo sick and can not get rice from Field.
My father need 3,000 baht for medicine to make buffalo good again.
My brother me fall down the well for water and he break leg, cannot help my father same.
Need 5,000 baht for borrow, good man help my father.
Now my mother stay hospital and my baby also, both have danger feber from drink water, no good after my brother fall down well.
Grandmother have motorbike accident, hit four chicken in road, but chicken fled scene, so have no one pay for her in hospital, next bed my mother and baby, want 4,000 baht for her.
Sister in monkey house for make sex show in Bangkok, have to pay 200 baht everyday for food she, but police say no problem, give 20,000 baht sister can go free.
Young brother go hospital to cut for be ladyboy, need 10,000 baht for operation.
I think easy if you send 100,000 baht to me, can send my bank at Mangdar Bank.
Now you stay your country.
I know that I stay with you only one night, but you number one man from all 35 I go with last month.
Now I know it you I love too much and I think of you everyday, I go room after disco. [weiter siehe Foto]

P.S. Please send photo, so I can remember which one you.